Mission, Values & Organizational Structure
Mission Statement
IDHCC is an organic product of our community, ever evolving, to meet our own community needs. We act to retain self-determination and identity through valuing and empowering the individual and families of the I.D. We leverage current mobilization to build and sustain a resilient and vibrant community. We connect people to vital resources, with social equity at the forefront. We are the organizing vessel of today: unfolding, growing, and revolutionizing for future generations to come.
Solidarity, as equitable love in action.
Including a diversity of voices in decision making processes.
Sharing knowledge, resources, and transparency without prejudice.
Transparency within ourselves and for the community.
Protecting a safe and healthy existence.
Treating all life as family, with dignity and respect.
Walking our talk and working with integrity.
Holding each other, the community, and those in power accountable.
Multigenerational and familial empowerment.
Putting youth development at the forefront of our initiatives