Programs & Projects
IDHCC consits of four core programs listed below, with each program housing multiple projects. Some projects are IDHCC ran, while others are supported by IDHCC. Each program has common pracices running through each one, like environmental justice or youth development. Incorporating these common practices in each program allows us to build off our values to meet our mission.
Click the bottons below to check out our programs!
The International District Food Hub is located at Whitter Elementary on the corner of Kathryn and Truman, every other Friday from 3-6pm. Locally grown fresh produce is donated by our local farmers, while non-perishables are donated from community organizations and churches. For a full list of partners, and projects within the Food Hub, click below to learn more.
I.D. Food Hub
IDHCC has been apart in reshaping I.D. streets for over a decade. Currently IDHCC is partnering with other grassroots organizations to ensure accessible free public transportation that allows riders to feel comforatble and safe. For a detailed explanation of equitable tranist projects, click the button to the below.
Safe Streets & Infrastructure
Without clean air and water, we can’t have healthy bodies and food. IDHCC works to create and enhance healthy environments within the I.D. by engaging with the community to trees, shrubs, and pollinating habitats, that also function as edible and medicinal landscapes.
Healthy Environment
Bening an active, informed member of society is fundemental to the political automy and self-determination of the I.D., and the IDHCC supports the wholistic growth of political automy, through voter registration, economic development, youth oppurtunites and more. For summaries on community development initiatives, click the button below.
Community Development
IDHCC supports partners dedicated to building and creating accessible safe spaces for community members and familes to live with peace and dignitiy. We actively advocate for occupant rights and affordablity both in court and decision making groups like city council. IDHCC has acted as a a mobilizing tool for community members to share their stories with landlords, developers, and decision makers.